Hi, I'm Lesley.
A life coach and energy healing practitioner.

The secret to a joyful life is letting go of anything that limits you!

I am committed to supporting my clients to improve their lives in all areas. I am a Master healer, therapist, and life coach. I teach from my own life experience and years of professional training. For over two decades, I have helped thousands heal from limitations and pain.

A Natural Born Healer...

Lesley's natural affinity for healing emerged during her upbringing in England, surrounded by the ancient ruins of Glastonbury Tor, Stonehenge, castle ruins, and the picturesque countryside. She had a keen fascination for the mysteries of the old ways, which eventually led her to develop a natural ability to heal and a clear connection to Spirit.

However, her life took a drastic turn during her teenage years when she experienced a severe trauma that left her engulfed in decades of depression, and anxiety. The stress of living this way led to a widespread mystery illness that stumped the medical field. 
Driven by desperation, Lesley began to explore various healing methods to find relief. She transformed the foundation of her health using a combination of energy healing, deep emotional therapy and group process work. 

A transformative trip to Thailand introduced Lesley to the power of meditation, and studied Buddhism. Later, she stayed in an ashram in India, where she studied Kundalini Yoga, Meditation, and Ayurvedic Healing. During this time, Lesley had her first Reiki treatment, which was a life-changing experience.

Lesley's travels to Dharamsala, Bhutan, and Bali allowed her to delve deeper into the healing arts, mysticism, and the importance of Spirit in every moment of life. Her many years of working with Peruvian Shamans and the Q'ero Indians gave her a deeper understanding of the healing power of sacred rites of passage and the powerful healing potential of shamanism.

Through her extensive training and healing experiences, Lesley has developed a unique and powerful healing practice. She is a certified Master Reiki Healer-Teacher, a graduate of The Barbara Brennan School of Healing, and training in 'Walking the Shaman's Way' with Patricia White Buffalo and Matrix Energetics with Dr. Richard Bartlett. 

Lesley has helped clients from all around the globe to heal and transform their lives and has a thriving, successful international healing practice.

More facts about me...

Pickleball Fanatic...I caved and joined the masses!
I love HELPING people move beyond PAIN & CHALLENGE.
Pulling weeds & nature are my THERAPY.

I work with clients AROUND THE GLOBE.
I'm a Dirty Vegan!
Dog LOVER. I can't bear to see an animal suffer
International HEALER, life coach & MENTOR.
Love ancient ruins and cathedrals.
BRILLIANT web creator with a degree in graphic and web design (bet that surprises you!)
Love a good belly laugh with my besties.
My favorite place is the beach.
Born in England, moved to U.S. in the 80's

What my clients have to say

With each session I could feel the scar tissue removed, followed by immediate pain relief and release. She even proved herself when she gave me a healing on a public bench in busy downtown Seattle! This was truly remarkable and a testament to her skills. She is delightful in every way. 

Cheryl Kitashima
"One session with Lesley. My knee pain is absolutely gone — amazing!
Sending you the best energy, and thanks for your gift."

     Angela Tirrell
 Lesley worked on my heart chakra; knee; right shoulder; right arm; throat, and hips. The relief from the pain was so great! I felt like I could breathe and feel normal again. Her kind words and patience during the sessions are so greatly appreciated.

Lupe Castillo

Words I live by

“All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to break free from limitation.”

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